Hey, your bike just might be this muck-caked and covered in crud. If it is - or even if it isn’t and has only an accumulation of road and trail dust - have we got a solution for you. Lynn Rosen takes us on an adventure through Muc-Off, the bicycle cleaning system used by none other than Tour de France champs Team Sky.
From the early 1800s, The Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses, was used by enslaved people in the United States to escape to free states and to Canada. The Railroad, at its most active between 1850 and 1860, followed more than one path, but none was more important than the way through Detroit, Michigan, because Canada was the ultimate destination for many freedom seekers.
Summer is winding down.
But there’s still time to squeeze in some last-minute adventure while the weather is nice. State parks concessionaires are ready with ample opportunities that satisfy even when you don’t have much time.
We’re excited to welcome two exciting new businesses offering outdoor adventures at parks.