HOA Editor’s Note: July/August 2020
All of us here at High On Adventure recognize that due to the coronavirus, life and travel for
everyone remain in flux. In spite of our current circumstances, it is our mission to continue
bringing interesting yet relevant and helpful stories to our readers. Most travel is still shut down
across the globe. In our world of adventure travel, plans are either still on hold, have been
amended or cancelled. Even most local travel has been restricted and today’s adventures
consist of going to the pharmacy or grocery, a walk or bike ride, a Zoom meeting for an exercise
class or Happy Hour with friends and family. In some areas, business has opened up, but with
new cases being reported, caution still is of the utmost.
The New York Times has cancelled its print version of their Travel section as they felt it was “out
of step.” But instead of canceling our publication, we will continue to bring you some of our
recent adventures along with some relevant stories that address our current circumstances in the
hopes that our brave and stunning writers can bring you information to make your present travel
disruptions more manageable and your future travel plans richer and more sensible and secure.
At press time, we know that the COVID-19 situation is still unfolding. We hope that our stories
bring you some armchair travel delights and prepare you for whatever roadblocks you might
encounter along your highways. Stay home, be well, wear your masks when you must go out,
social distance and wash those paws. We’ll be back again in September when we all hope we
can safely go out and explore a bit farther from home.


by Yvette Cardozo |
Red Square, Subway Art, Circus and River Cruise
by Lee Juillerat |
by Lynn Rosen |
This story is about food. About other things, surely. But somehow, what we did most in Olympia, then Seattle and finally, Bellingham, WA, during this summer trip through the Pacific NW was ... eat. And drink.
Moscow provided a tumble of memories, but several–a river cruise, circus, subway art, Kremlin and Red Square–are those that persist.
John Hamilton has gone on to his next reward. We
take this opportunity to celebrate our colleague’s long and
hearty life as a world-wide traveler, and his valuable
contributions to his listeners about the world of travel.
Who we are: For brief bios on the writers who form this Pacific Northwest collective, please click here. |